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Home Course Map

Click here for a satellite shot of the course with mileage! Play with it to measure your own runs!

Our home course features some great hills, dirt paths and a fantastic sprint finish on the track. Click below for information on our fantastic "Earlybird Invitational"! 
Scroll down for a full description of the course broken up into 1/2 mile segments!

Earlybird Invitational


1st 1/2 mile-The start is on grass and it quickly narrows onto a dirt path.  In a large field it's good to get out quick! There is a slight downhill for about 100 meters followed by a slight up hill for another 100 meters as you head onto the "short cross country" loop.  The loop is run counter clockwise.  The back side of the loop has a slight dowhill and a 5 meter "speed bump".  You run behind the announcer's booth and head back to the dirt path. The first half mile ends as you complete the first loop on the south end of the track (1/2 mile marker is the excercise station).  
2nd 1/2 mile- From the excercise station you head down onto the track and complete a full lap on the track while smiling to all the pretty girls that came to cheer you on (or boys for that matter).  As you complete your full lap you'll head up a steep short hill and run the loop that goes right behind the east bleachers.  To finish your first mile you'll go around the concesions/bathrooms and run up the "speed bump" once again.  The mile marker is at the top of the little "bump".  1/3 of the way done!
3rd 1/2 mile- You'll head behind the announcers booth once again and back onto the trail by the excercise station.  As you go down the slight hill get ready to turn right and get onto the "long cross country" loop.  This loop is also run counter clockwise.  The loop starts with a slight up hill and then a slight down hill. The loop gets exciting as you hit the hills!  First is a longer steep hill (about 150 meters) with a slight leveling out at the top followed by a slight up hill (20-30 meters).  As you turn and head back you'll find a nice downhill to stretch those tight legs out!  Your coming up to the half way point in the race.  The 1.5 mile marker is right before your next slight up hill.
4th 1/2 mile- A slight up hill starts this 1/2 mile with some hope as you crest the hill and see the track once again.  You'll head right and run down a slight down hill and then come around behind the concessions/bathroom once again.  This time you'll turn right and head behind the baseball/softball fields instead of going behind the announcers booth.  You can open up that stride as the next 1/4 mile is all flat!  You'll go around all the backstops and find the 2 mile mark right before the excercise station (on the turn before the excercise station to be exact). 
5th 1/2 mile- The good news? Only 1 mile to go!  The bad news? You get to go do the "long cross country" loop once again!!  Fly through the hills and when you crest for the final time and catch a glimpse of the track you'll have exactly 1/2 mile to go!
6th 1/2 mile- Fly down the last slight downhill and head behind the concessions/bathrooms once again.  Sprint behind the announcers booth and head on down to the track.  As you step onto the track you'll only have 250 meters to sprint so get going, no time to waste!!! The finish is halfway down the home straightaway, smile as you cross the line!!