What: Train & race with some of the finest distance runners in the area!!
Who: Current junior high, high school, collegiate, and open runners.
Why: Get in shape, have fun and become a great runner. Here are some of the recent championships our club members have won; 2 time MBL 800 Champ, MBL Mile Champ, 2 separate MBL 2 mile Champs, TCAL Cross Country Champ, 3 separate MBL Cross Country Champs, Multiple MBL Cross Country Team Champs, 2 time MBL/TCAL mile champ, CCS 2 Mile Champ, 2 separate CCS Cross Country Champs, Multiple CCS Cross Country team champs, National 2 mile 5th place All-American, National steeplchase 12th place, National Qualifiers 4XMile, 4X800 and DMR, etc, etc...
When: The club meets 3 times a week (Mon/Wed/Fri) during the summer at various locations including , Gilroy HS Track (Mondays), Toro Park in Salinas (Wednesdays), and Nicene Park in Aptos (Fridays). First day is in June. Meet at the Gilroy HS Track @ 9:00 AM or 4:00 PM. The club will meet until August. There will be an afternoon session (4:00 PM) for those of you working or in summer school.
Extras: Join many of the club members at Lake Tahoe for a week of high altitude training in July and overnight campouts!
Contact: Call Coach Gustavo Ibarra at 831-635-0949 or Coach Jess Morales at 831-637-3062 to get more information and to sign up TODAY!
Name: ___________________________________ Phone ( ) _________________ Age _______ Grade_______
Address:_____________________________________________ City: __________________ Zip:_______________
School : __________________Coach: ______________________E-mail address: ___________________________
Please make checks payable ($30-for uniform) to and send with registration form to:
"Tri County Running Club"
Gustavo Ibarra or Jesus Morales Preference;
1179 Suiter Street __Morning Session (9 AM)
Hollister, CA 95023 __Afternoon Session (4 PM)
In consideration of my acceptance into the club I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, executors and administrators hereby waive, release and discharge any and all rights and claims for damages I may have or which hereafter accrue to me against the persons and organizations affiliated with the Tri County Running Club and their representatives, successors, and assignees for all injuries suffered by me while traveling to and from or in any way associated with my participation in the Tri County Running Club. I represent and warrant that I am physically fit and have sufficiently trained for participation in this club.
_____________________________ ________________________________ _____________________
Runners Signature Parent or Guardian Signature Date |